Gourmet report


Gourmet report NO.11 Horse meat stew


「Today, we are here at MOTSUNABE ICHIFUJI to enjoy their speciality and seasonal menu!」

「First, we will order horse meat stew which is their regular menu since their opening.」

「I’m gonna have horse meat stew.」

「Yes, please wait for a moment.」

What is their regular popular menu, horse meat stew?


「Let’s eat!」

「It’s first time to hear horse meat stew.」
「I’ve heard beef meat stew before」

「Let’s eat.」

「It is delicious!」
「It is! It has much fat but it’s not too heavy.」

 「Yeah, it is tasty!」

What’s the particular point about Vinegar MOTSU?

「The meat has sinewy and usually we take away that and throw away. But we stew for 3 hours before we serve it to you.」

「I want it to be like when you come back to our restaurant, you recall that menu and want to order it again.」

What’s the next dish?

「We have seasonal menu to recommend. Can I serve you as my recommended style?」

「Yes, please」

「Ok. Please wait for a moment.」

「Thank you for waiting. This is our seasonal menu. Sesame mackerel. It is well-known dish in Hakata and in this season, it is very delicout, so please enjoy.」

How is the taste?

「This is it!」
「No doubt why you recommend this menu.」

「It is delicious!」
「It is tasty!」

「I didn’t know that now it the good season to eat sesame mackerel.」
「Yeah, It’s my first time to eat this at MOTSUNABE restaurant.」

「Yeah it is rare to eat sesame mackerel at MOTSUNABE restaurant.」
「It’s fresh and delicious.」
「I can also recommend this to others.」

When is the good season for sesame mackerel?

「Good season for mackerel is winter, so now (autumn) restaurants start to offer it on menu. From now, it will get fatty and the peak is in December. The coldest term January, it is the best time to eat.」

「In Summer, horse mackerel is good, and from autumn, saury is good. After we enjoy eating Saury sashimi, it’s mackerel’s season. Sesame mackerel is popular in Hakata, so it is really delicious.」

「I enjoyed eating horse meat stew and sesame mackerel. Thank you!」